Mass Times



Saturday: 17:30
Sunday: 07:30, 10:00 and 17:30



Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri: 08:00
Wednesday: 09:00


Sacrament of Reconciliation


Saturday: 16:30

Bank Details


Name: Catholic Church Alberton

Acc. No: 020590458

Bank: Standard Bank



Baptism Preparation The compulsory preparation course for parents, of children to be baptised is run every month by the Deacons. Terry Fox or Mike Mc Govern
First Confession Michele Allan and Heather De Jesus
First Holy Communion Celeste Perreira and Laurinda Xavier
Confirmation Lisa Cruickshank, Rui Cruz and Mary De Gouveia
Weddings Notification of proposed weddings must be given 6 months in advance. Rev. Mike Mc Govern
Initiation of Adult Converts Talks are held every Monday at 7:00 pm, except during the holidays. The reception of converts takes place prior to, or at Easter. Fr. Bugler


Parents of Grades 1 to 7 have the option of enrolling their children in either the Saturday 9:00 am or the Sunday 8:00 am classes.
Co-ordinator - Lisa Cruickshank


Altar Servers Fr. Bugler
Banners Jenni Bird
Choirs Saturday 6:00 pm - Ellen De Mello Koch
Sunday   9:00 am - Lily Van Der Peet
Organists Saturday - Kim Flores & Tiana De Oliviera
Sunday   - Lily Van Der Peet & Michael Gomes
Guitarists Ellen De Mello Koch & Vincent De Cormarmond
Projector Operators Gregory Walker, Heloise Booth, Monica Gomes
Floristry Group A group of ladies who arrange flowers for Sunday Masses and Special Celebrations.
Josee Barbeau
Greeters Parishioners who welcome all to the Sunday Masses. 
Lyn Dewhurst
Ministers of the Eucharist Carol Booth
Proclaimers Theresa Bird
Sacristans Val Nel, Joan Bicanovsky, Margaret Shepherd and Carol Booth
Ushers Services rendered mainly at the Sunday 9 am Mass or on Special Feasts. Raimund Hempel


Besides The Various Groups - Prayers, Bible Study, Faith Sharing, etc. The parish arranges various Para liturgies, e.g. Reconciliation Services, Healing Services, Advent Prayer Service, Stations of the Cross and Paschal Meals.

Hospital Visitation

Parishioners are visited by individuals or couples on a weekly basis. The two hospitals served are the Clinton and Union Hospitals.
Lyn Bollaert

Parish Finance Committee

Rui Cruz

Marriage & Family Life

Marriage Preparation
Couples have the option of attending one of the Pre-marriage programmes in the Johannesburg Archdiocese.
A programme for hurting couples.
Michele and Stuart Allan


A ministry that reaches out to families who have lost loved ones.  Nev & Brenda Dalla Venezia

Social Ministry

A ministry which seeks to promote fellowship by way of social events, e.g. Potjie Kos Competitions, Great Races, etc. 
Colleen and Craig Gadd

Small Faith Sharing Group

Take place every second week. Groups of parishioners meet to reflect and share on Scripture.
Ben De Nobrega
Blanket Campaign
A yearly campaign which takes place prior to the onset of winter. Parishioners are encouraged to bring a blanket or sponsor one.
Buckets of Love Campaign
A yearly campaign where buckets are provided to parishioners who then fill them with goods for the needy at Christmas.

Portuguese Committee

Dinner Dance
Held towards the end of every year.
Salomé Gouveia
A festive affair, held the Sunday before the parish feast day - 1st October.
Celeste Pereira

Women's Guild

Monthly meetings take place at the homes of the members.
Valerie Nel
The women sell food to the parishioners at every 9 a.m. Mass which helps the needy in surrounding parishes. The food is then bought to the altar during the Presentation of Gifts.
Easter Egg Campaign
By bringing marshmallow eggs to weekend Masses before Easter, parishioners are encouraged to participate in providing needy children with a gift at this time.
Christmas Party
For the 'Golden Aged' of the parish takes place every year at the end of November.
Funeral Teas
These are catered for on request. Josee Barbeau

Young Adults

Activities undertaken are numerous and varied.  On a Social level the group has visited children in the local state hospital – Natalspruit and gone to children’s homes.  Spiritual activites as well as fun events are also organised.
Joan Bicanovsky


Knights of Da Gama
Meetings take place on the second Tuesday of every month.
Nev Dalla Venezia                                                 
The Repository, run by this group, is open before and after weekend Masses and on other special occasions, eg: Confirmation.
Rob Van Der Walt
St. Vincent De Paul
Reach out to people in need - spiritually, emotionally and financially. By fundraising this group have helped many people. Wherever possible, they aim at helping their beneficiaries to become self-sufficient.
Joan Bicanovsky
A group that has been going for many years. They meet in the homes of members, once a month to pray.