Baptism Preparation |
The compulsory preparation course for parents, of children to be baptised is run every month by the Deacons or the Parish Priest. Stuart Allan, Craig Gadd, Terry Fox or Mike Mc Govern
First Confession |
Faeeda Gard |
First Holy Communion |
Hindy Belstead and Darlene Smith
Confirmation |
Michele Allan
Weddings |
Notification of proposed weddings must be given 6 months in advance. Fr Rodney |
Initiation of Adult Converts |
Talks are held Mondays at 6:30 pm. A program with dates and topics will be provided at the beginning of each class year. The reception of converts takes place at Easter. Rev Stuart Allan
Parents of Grades 1 to 7 have the option of enrolling their children in either the Saturday 9:00 am or the Sunday 8:00 am classes. Co-ordinator - Faeeda Gard |
Altar Servers |
Faeeda Gard |
Banners |
Terry and Bridget Bird |
Choirs |
Saturday 5:30 pm - Sunday 10:00 am - Bernadette De Gouveia |
Organists |
Sunday - Lily Van Der Peet |
Ministers of the Eucharist |
Peter Bonfrer |
Proclaimers |
Venessa Garland |
Sacristans |
Pam De Gouveia
Besides The Various Groups - Prayers, Bible Study, Faith Sharing, etc. The parish arranges various Para liturgies, e.g. Reconciliation Services, Healing Services, Advent - Exposition of the Sacrament, Stations of the Cross and Paschal Meals.
Parish Pastoral Council
Craig Belstead |
Parish Finance Committee
Eric Joseph |
Marriage & Family Life
Marriage Preparation
Couples have the option of attending one of the Pre-marriage programmes in the Johannesburg Archdiocese.
A programme for hurting couples. Michele and Stuart Allan
Portuguese Committee
A festive affair, held the Sunday before the parish feast day - 1st October.
Women's Guild
Monthly meetings take place the first Saturday of the month in the parish hall. Anneline Naidoo |
The women sell food to the parishioners at every 10 a.m. Mass which helps the needy in surrounding parishes. The food is then bought to the altar during the Presentation of Gifts.
Easter Egg Campaign
By bringing marshmallow eggs to weekend Masses before Easter, parishioners are encouraged to participate in providing needy children with a gift at this time.
Christmas Party
For the 'Golden Aged' of the parish takes place every year at the end of November.
Funeral Teas
These are catered for on request. Anneline Naidoo
Young Adults
Activities undertaken are numerous and varied. Gemma Gadd |
Knights of Da Gama
Meetings take place on the second Tuesday of every month. The Repository, run by this group, is open before and after weekend Masses and on other special occasions, eg: Confirmation. Peter Dunn
St. Vincent De Paul
Reach out to people in need - spiritually, emotionally and financially. By fundraising this group have helped many people. Wherever possible, they aim at helping their beneficiaries to become self-sufficient. Nevio Dalla Venezia
A group that has been going for many years. They meet in the homes of members, once a month to pray.